Telltale Signs of a Bad Fuel Pump

Car fuel pump

Different components are working together for your vehicle to run and function properly. The fuel pump, in particular, is responsible for delivering the fuel or gas from the tank to the engine for it to produce a spark and create horsepower for different types and styles of driving. 

However, the moment this pump starts going bad, this may lead to some problems, resulting in reduced engine performance. But how will you know that the pump has already gone bad in the first place?

Below are some of the most common symptoms of bad fuel pumps:

Inability to Sustain Speed

Consistent and smooth engine performance needs a healthy fuel supply. The moment the pump has gone bad, the amount of gasoline that reaches the engine won’t be enough which can take away its capacity to run at a constant and consistent RPM.

If you are driving at a steady speed rate and you notice an engine losing power or misfiring, this can be due to a defective pump. It might feel as if the engine is just running out of gas when the truth is that the pump doesn’t deliver the fuel in the tank. 

Reduced Fuel Efficiency

Filling up your gas tank costs money, but you can lower your expenses if you achieve the optimum mileage. There is always something rewarding when you can try different methods that can help extend your gas mileage, such as keeping all the tires inflated properly or going easy on the accelerator. 

The fuel pump might be sending excessive fuel to the engine
The fuel pump might be sending excessive fuel to the engine and prematurely use up the gasoline in the tank. 

However, once you notice your vehicle using up more fuel than you expect, this might indicate a problem with the fuel pump. In such cases, the pump might be sending excessive fuel to the engine and prematurely use up the gasoline in the tank. 

Poor Engine Run 

If you are a vehicle owner for some time now or have some experience getting behind the wheel, you might already be familiar with the sound of a well-running engine. 

When all of the engine’s systems work together, it will idle in silence at low RPM, accelerate with no hesitations, and seamlessly cruise on the highway.

How to Tell if the Fuel Pump is Bad in Your Car

On the other hand, if the fuel pump doesn’t deliver enough gasoline to the engine, it wouldn’t have what it needs to work and produce power as it is meant to, and you will also hear and feel the difference. 

If you start your vehicle and the engine exhibits an uneven idle or sputters, chances are it doesn’t receive the amount of fuel it requires or is not at the correct rate. It will not only result in an unpleasant driving experience but can also lead to internal engine damage. 

Engine Overheating 

Engine overheating is yet another symptom of a fuel pump that is starting to malfunction. Bad fuel pumps might overheat and insufficiently deliver fuel to the engine which can make it turn off and run hot while on the road. 

 A bad fuel pump might overheat
A bad fuel pump might overheat which can make it turn off and run hot while on the road. 

Your car might back up after shutting down and overheating only to experience the same thing 30 minutes later. This is one of the most common signs of a bad fuel pump.

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